Northwest Fritillary Guide

It is one thing to recognize that you have seen a fritillary and quite another to key it down to species given the many subspecies and the subtle differences between species. This visual guide to the Fritillaries is intended to show samples from an extensive collection to help those trying to make sense of the the variations that occur in Oregon and Washington.

I photographed specimens from the state Lepiodoptera collection at the Oregon State University to ensure accurate identification and provide more complete coverage. My thanks to those who maintain the collection. I provide both ventral and dorsal views, the latter being more diagnostic for frittillaries. I try to include enough individuals to give some sense of what is typical within one subspecies.

My intent is to complement printed guides by providing more examples and larger formats than is possible in a printed guide. See Pyle's Butterflies of Cascadia for comments on subspecies differences and plates covering most of our subspecies. Guppy and Shepard's Butterflies of British Columbia provides slightly larger photos and range maps color coded to distinguish subspecies. Both guides give both dorsal and ventral views and identify gender. See Hinchliff's An Atlas of Oregon Butterflies and its Washington counterpart for more detailed range information.

Fritillaries (Subfamily Heliconiinae)

Select the species to view subspecies.

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