Sweetflag Spreadwing (Lestes foripatus)

Male. South Prairie Bog, Skamania County, Washington. 8/25/20

Female. South Prairie Bog, Skamania County, Washington. 8/25/20

Male. South Prairie Bog, Skamania County, Washington. 8/28/20

Male S2 is two-thirds pruinose and appendages are long. South Prairie Bog, Skamania County, Washington. 8/25/20

Comments.Found in only a couple spots in the far NE part of Oregon, but more available in WA. Somewhat difficult to distinguish from other spreadwings (especially Northern) but female has a large ovipositor. Kerst and Gordon (2011) point to the partially pruinose S2 in males compared to completely pruinose in Northern males.
